Otto Kranendonk fonds
Het fonds is ingesteld in 1994 als Stichting Erefonds Tropische Geneeskunde. Sinds 2011 staat het op naam van prof. dr. Otto Kranendonk, voorheen buitengewoon hoogleraar tropische gezondheidsleer aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en directeur van de Afdeling Tropische Hygiëne van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen.
Het fonds verleent financiële steun aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek op het gebied van de Tropische Geneeskunde en Global Health. Het doel van deze subsidie is het stimuleren van wetenschappelijk onderzoek ten behoeve van verbetering van de gezondheidszorg in lage- en middeninkomenslanden.
Otto Kranendonk Fund
The Fund is established in 1994 as the Honorary Fund Medicine. In 2011 the Fund was renamed in honor of Prof dr Otto Kranendonk who worked with the University of Amsterdam and director of the Tropical Hygiene Department of the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam.
The Fund provides financial support to scientific research in the area of tropical medicine and global health. The aim is to stimulate scientific research for the improvement of health worldwide, with particular focus on low- and middle income countries / low resource settings.
Research financially supported by OKF
For more information about the funded research, click on the title.
- 2022 Rian Jager, Building an international learning network for point-of-care ultrasound in Mwanza region, Tanzania
- 2022 Marlous Grijsen, Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of leprosy among leprosy-endemic communities in South Sulawesi
- 2022 Keving van 't Kruys, TRAIL, IP-10, and CRP as point-of-care biomarker combination test to distinguish bacterial from non-bacterial infections: a prospective cohort study in febrile children presenting to the emergency department in a resource-limited setting
- 2022 Janine de Zeeuw, The Suriname Indigenous Mental Health (SIMH) study
- 2022 Joost Binnerts, Building Bridges for Broken Bones: Providing adequate treatment for extremity fracture patients in Shirati, rural Tanzania. A study on the safety, efficacy and acceptability of a collaborative triage & treatment model for extremity fracture patients, involving traditional bone setters
- 2022 Bente van der Meijden, Measuring quality of life for children with Cerebral Palsy and their caregivers
- 2022 Jim Determeijer, Family participation to enhance care and tackle health worker shortages in resource-limited hospitals
- 2022 Juliette Severin, Improving care for uncomplicated URinary tract infection-associated symptoms in primary health care settings in INDOnesia (URINDO project
- 2021 Fleur Gooren, Improving intrapartum fetal monitoring and clinical decision-making in Sengerema Hospital, Tanzania
- 2021 Jacob van der Ende, Prevalence and attributable malaria case proportion of P. vivax in the Amazon basin in the border area between Ecuador, Colombia and Peru
- 2021 Tabitha van Immerzeel, research Improving the case definition of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months of age and their mothers in Senegal
- 2019 Anneloes Eleveld, Evaluation of access to care, incidence and outcome of treatment of patients with fractures of the lower extremities in Haydom Lutheran Hospital (Tanzania)
- 2019 Dickens Oyango, Validity of urine dipstick for routine assessment of adherence to isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) among children living with HIV (CLHIV) in western Kenya
- 2018 Elena Ambrosino
- 2018 Benjamin Visser, A pragmatic approach to treat podoconiosis in Ethiopia
- 2017 Alinda Vos, Unmasking a silent killer: diabetes care in HIV-patients in a rural medical clinic in South-Africa.
- 2017 Natasha Housseine, The development of a simple decision-making tool for optimal allocation of intra-partum care in low income countries.
- 2017 Thom Hendriks, Evaluation of a quality assured in-service training in surgical treatments for burns At Haydom Luteran Hos.
- 2017 Floris Braat, voor de publicatie van bevindingen van het onderzoek getiteld Research Maternity Waiting Home to improve maternal and neonatal outcome in the Gurage Zone, Southern Ethiopia Butajira General Hospital.
- 2015 Tiemersma et al. Delayed cord clamping in South African neonates with expected low birthweight: a randomised controlled trial. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 20(2), 177-183.
- 2014 Floris Braat, Research Proposal Maternity Waiting Home to improve maternal and neonatal outcome in the Gurage Zone, Southern Ethiopia Butajira General Hospital.
- 2014 Florise Lambrechtsen, Mothers adVANtage in South Africa.
- 2014 Barbara Nolens, Outcomes of vacuum extraction at Mulago Hospital, Uganda.
- 2009 Beekhuizen et al. Treatment of retained placenta with misoprostol: a randomised controlled trial in a low-resource setting (Tanzania). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 9:48.